Thursday, September 20, 2012


My handwriting made it into the September home Bloomingdales catalog! I'm so excited I may try to turn it into a font the creative director loved it so much! :) yay! After all the years of disliking my handwriting it is now published!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Columbus Day Catalog

I had two contributions to the Bloomies Columbus Day catalog! I am so excited to have my first cover published as well as a stitch that I completely designed and art directed! :)

Starbucks insert I was the creative lead/designer on! :) 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Chalkboard jars—

I handmade these chalkboard "labels" for jars to store all of my homemade goodies that I've been experimentally making. I've made hummus and peanut butter so far... My next attempts will be nutella, ketchup, and who knows what else! I wanted a cute way to show off my creations :)